13 February 2008

we celebrate holidays early

A long time ago, we took a quiz from a "make your marriage work" kind of book. We didn't actually read the book, just took the photocopied quiz that my mom gave us. [Here's where I butcher the premise of the book in my summary.] The results of the quiz essentially tell you how you and your spouse show and/or recognize love. For instance, a wife might (think she) show her husband how much she loves him by keeping the house spic-n-span, cooking elaborate dinners, ironing his undershirts and boxers...whereas all he wants from her is affection. It's more important to him to snuggle on the couch in the evening, rather than have her bustling around the house. Ya know what I'm saying??

All of that to say, BJ is a gift giver. He loves to give extravagant gifts, surprise gifts, unnecessary gifts. We had been dating only a couple of weeks when I received my very first (and last, ahem) Tiffany & Co. blue box...knocked my socks off. No matter when we say we're not spending much or "keeping it simple", he always does more for me on holidays, birthdays and anniversaries.

I, am not. I have some kind of mental/emotional block that prohibits me from making large or whimsical purchases without nausea. It literally does not cross my mind to buy something for someone unless they specifically ask for it. I am never inspired to give a gift that one might not need. I LOVE to give practical gifts.

Which is why this is what BJ got for Valentine's Day:
And this is what I got:

In my defense, I have been planning to get him Into the Wild on dvd for months. MONTHS I tell you! The release date was supposed to be February 12th, perfect timing for Valentines Day. However, when I went to Target yesterday they said "I dunno, I guess we didn't get any." Wal-Mart said "No, it comes out next week." (Ditto for Blockbuster.) Best Buy online and Amazon say March 4th. WHATEVER! Not that a movie would really make up the difference. No worries, I've got other ways to show MY love... ;)
I love my Valentime!

5 remark(s):

Robin Johnson RPh said...


ginny said...

iPod Touch...and it's awesome! I'm posting this comment with it!!

Warner said...

iPod touch....16 or 32 GB? It makes a big difference you know.

Jan said...

cooooolllll... I didn't know you could do internet stuff with it, too! Very awesome!

Course, that big ball is really nice, too. :)

Julie said...

I am jelussss.

I have wanted the Into the Wild DVDs so bad....waiting for them to come out on Blockbuster Online. Is that super embarrassing or what?

I have always loved my gifts from you...blood pressure monitor, book on kid's health, etc. Believe me, the ole BP monitor has let me know several times I better get back on the meds!!!