19 February 2008

gloom despair and agony on me

flu \ˈflü\ Any of several virus diseases marked especially by respiratory or intestinal symptoms.
I don't think I'm aware of a more ambiguous word. It seems this is the diagnosis for any ailment during the winter months. BUT, I think I'm officially joining the masses and chalking my 3 days (and counting) of fever, chills, chest congestion, etc. up to the blasted influenza. Perhaps I should consider it a blessing that, until now, a Z-Pack has cured any and all of my maladies.

Any of you guys ever sent your husband and a list to the grocery store?? Y'all keep your fingers crossed that I get over this quickly, without giving it to BJ!

3 remark(s):

Jan said...

Sorry you're sick. That stinks! Those darn band kids probably gave it to ya! Hopefully you will be on the mend soon.

Jan said...

Yo.. what have ya been up to?

Hayley said...

Hope you are feeling better!