10 February 2008

this and that

I'm sitting here in my jammies (yes, still) watching the Grammies, bored to tears.

Perhaps the tears actually come from the fact that BJ drove to Denver around noon to catch a flight to Sunnyvale (Terix HQ)?

Or maybe the tears flow because poor road/weather conditions forced us to cancel our trip to Breckenridge to meet up with Kevin and Megan?

No, the tears come from the cold that crept into my body Thursday that is now trying (desperately) to escape, via my nostrils and eyeballs. That said, it's probably for the best that I wasn't able to spread my "cheer" to Waco and Ft. Worth when Kevin and Megan returned to their respective cities. And also, that BJ got out while he was still able...I'm only assuming that incessant snivveling, breathing thru my mouth and wiping my nose are not things that make me more attractive to my husband.

Enough about the snot. Some of you may find it mildly amusing that I was the 6th grade band conductor on Friday (which was not a joyful noise, nor did it alleviate the pounding in my head due to sinus pressure from the aforementioned snot) and that I'm teaching P.E. tomorrow at some high school that I should look up in a few minutes.

Better get back to the TV!

7 remark(s):

Robin Johnson RPh said...

Poor baby, I wish I were there to pour some bitter homeopathic tincture down your throat and make it all better. My only comfort is that since we were there weeks ago, you didn't catch the cold from me. rj

Jan said...

Mmmm... Sorry you're sick!! I think it's everywhere right now. I've been so afraid I'm gonna catch something while subbing and bring it home. Lately I've spent a lot of time in that class where bodily fluids abound. :(

No ski trip and no BJ either??? Not a good time right now, huh?? Rest up. Maybe this week will be better!

Jan said...

Also meant to say.... LOl about you being the band director! Too much fun! Did you EVER do band?? For me, it would have been all about crowd control. I don't know a THING about band. Ha! Kudos to your bravery!!

Robin Johnson RPh said...

Yes, Janice. Ginny was a sharp little flute tuting Bushland Blackhawk band member. She probably won't fess up, so I will. Be glad to show you pictures of her at the Tri-State Fair parade. rj

ginny said...

thanks mom

Jan said...

You MUST post pictures.

Julie said...

Sixth grade band director is not mildly amusing. It is jaw dropping freakin hilarious. I am going to need some more details about that. Did you hold a wand and do your arm up and down?

Hope you feel better