05 February 2008


Aw be still my heart. I got a letter from one of my students. Austin is in one of the classes that I've subbed in a lot. I'd say it's probably my favorite group of kids, mostly because I know all their names and some of their idiosyncrasies (ie: who to watch out for). Lemme just point out a couple of things.

1. He thinks I'm donating my time. Um, I don't make a lot of money subbing, but I certainly don't do it because of my charitable heart.

2. Earlier in the day he was literally crying because someone in his group "stole" something off his desk. I told them to duke it out on the playground, mostly because I was annoyed to have a 5th grade boy shedding tears over a missing eraser. (ahem, refer to the "nice" and "caring" sentence)

3. The P.S. is a reference to the fact that they like to tease me for being from Texas and the accent that comes with said heritage.

It wasn't until even later in the day that I discovered that Austin's mommy would be the volunteer for the afternoon, casting the shadow of a doubt (albeit brief) as to his sincerity. I chalked that up to my aforementioned charitable cynical heart. Why the heck can't I claim to be the BEST substitute teacher in D20, dangit?! Geez, I need a real job.

5 remark(s):

Anonymous said...

If that isn't the sweetest thing !!!!EVER!!!!!
I can't wait for my boys to write cute notes to their substitute teacher. (Note to self....must make them emotionally able to deal with the loss of erasers and other such mentionables at shool)
I seriously need a Kleenex but I don't have one....Maybe if I take that box off of Mary Anns desk she won't notice.......

Robin Johnson RPh said...

Of course you are a great teacher. Carlos and Angel knew that and began fighting over you at the first mention of you teaching. (They are still fighting) I think one of your greatest gifts is that you have the ability to bring out the best in us all. I don't know where your insecurities and negativities come from, unless it's your mother.

Jan said...


Julie said...

That is really sweet. He must think Sub GJ is super cute. Although I agree that the whiney crying thing from a 5th grade boy does deserve to get things stolen from him. Awww da kiddos love GJ

Anonymous said...

aww, that is sweet! see, you must be doing a great job!