25 January 2008

really, check it out

BJ and I went to see U23D at the IMAX theater last nite... It was AWESOME!! BJ is a huge U2 fan...me, not so much. I like a lot of their songs, but I'm absolutely not a diehard. However, I must to encourage everyone to see it!

Be forewarned, Bono is pretty cheesy...but the 3D aspect will blow your mind. BJ and I were both somewhat skeptical of the 3D technology, think back to Jaws...but I cannot explain how much you feel "right there." There were times that I thought the people sitting in front of us were waving their arms around to the music...'cept it was the crowd at the actual concert. Trippy, I tell ya.

2 remark(s):

Julie said...

I am going to check it out. I love U2.

Have you seen Juno? It might be one of my faves of all time. Go see it now.

Jan said...

We don't have 3d movies in smalltown, tx. Do we? Sounds cool, though! Bj has liked U2 for as long as I can remember... Glad you got to go see it!

Since you're posting during the day, does that mean no subbing today? I worked 3 days this week in the autistic room... Never a dull moment, that's for sure! :)

Have a good weekend!