21 January 2008


Since today is MLK day and it's snowing in the Springs...I'm sitting here in my pj's, stalking blogs. I stumbled across one that I wanted to share with you all.

I've been consumed by Nate's blog for the past two hours.

His wife, Tricia, has Cystic Fibrosis and is waiting for a double lung transplant. January 8th she gave (very, very premature) birth to their "miracle" baby girl, Gwyneth.

Nate is an amazingly candid storyteller with great attention to detail and a touch of sarcasm (which I greatly appreciate)...not to mention the faith in our Lord that he's sharing with the masses of his blog readers.

If you have the time, read some of his posts...otherwise, take my word that you should be praying for Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth.

3 remark(s):

Jan said...

Well... I clicked on the link, but I'm not sure I can read all that stuff right now--if ever. Thanks for sharing it. If I get up the courage, I'll browse it. Otherwise, I'll just remember them--and everyone with CF in my prayers.

Our kids had the day off, too. No snow--it was actually a nice day to play outside.

ginny said...

i wasn't sure if hooking you guys up w/ this family would be hitting too close to home. i finally decided that maybe it was different enough. i mean, she's really struggling because of her pregnancy...something lance won't ever have to deal with. that, and i felt like y'all could do w/ it what you want. like you said, you don't ever have to read all of their story, but you can still be praying for them! love you guys!!

CFHusband said...

Thank you!