09 January 2008

guest room

**editor's note: now that i'm looking at the pix, i really don't like the red dust ruffle and not just because it's insanely wrinkled. oh, and haha that the room is "ready" y'all just can't see that there are no baseboards!**
For Christmas, Mom and Dad got me new bedding for the guest room. This post is mostly for their benefit, but can also serve as a friendly reminder for those of you that need to come visit us!!

Ah yes, it's still pretty barren as far as decor goes, but the colorful bedding is so much better than the random "neutral" blankets I tried to make presentable.

3 remark(s):

Jan said...

Looks like it's ready for a visit! :) Maybe soon... I'm anxious to see everything and would love to spend more time with you both.

How's subbing? Bj said you were busy this week... Yay for you! Be sure to let us know how it goes... I"m really glad ONE of you helps keep us in touch! Ha! That brother of mine could use some blogivation...

Warner said...

You should at least turn on anonymous comments so that people that haven't gotten to comment you yet like Tela the dog and Leslie Waddell can say hello.

Also, I'm pissed that I have to update my link to your blog and you didn't notify me.

Julie said...

I'm comin to sleep over!