29 January 2009

in sickness and in health

The past 24 hours have probably been the most enlightening for my husband. He wasn't around for the last go 'round. So bless his heart, he got to experience the 24 hour clear liquids diet, the cleanse, the {new for me too} puking, the Ginny on sedatives, the photos, etc.

OK, forget the "bless his heart" BLESS MINE!

First of all, I eat. I need to eat. People around me need me to eat. I get crabby.

2nd, the prep. Last time I drank 8oz of mag citrate, followed by the GALLON of thick salt water. Awful. So, imagine my delight when my doctor prescribed tablets that have the same effect!! No biggie, 4 tablets every 15 minutes with at least 8oz of water then again this morning. Too bad I puked up all the tablets. OK, not all the tablets...I guess I got enough to do the trick. Liquids coming out both ends makes me crabby too.

Sedatives, great. Versed is my f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e! This time was a little different. I do remember what happened. I do remember watching my innards on the TV screen and talking to the nice ladies during the procedure. Que sera, I guess. The drugs were good enough that I didn't really care. Oh, I also got to wear my watch the whole time so I didn't come out asking what time it was like 800 times. {that's for mom and dad}

Anyway, today was essentially just for fun. I'm fine, my new doctor wanted to do a routine screening while I'm healthy since it's been a long time since my last one...so she could have a baseline to reference.

BJ called me Benjamin Button after he noticed we were by far the youngest people in the waiting room. After, he took me to get a breakfast burrito. Bless his heart.

4 remark(s):

Robin Johnson RPh said...

For all you young punks out there, remember that 50 is right around the corner and you get to experience this procedure. Got it done! rj

Robin Johnson RPh said...

I guess that as a father of a young daughter with a somewhat "delicate" colon, a good "gut bomb" burrito after cleansing said colon is exactly what I would advise. Ever heard of applesauce, or crackers?[not so traumatic if the delicate system should reject those items] think about it... T bone.

Anonymous said...

You have your father in law's sympathy, since I had my first c-scope last year. The prep wasn't as bad as yours sounded. Not pleasant by any means, but no puking which makes me sick to think about. Glad all is well. A breakfast burrito would have killed me though.

Julie said...

I am glad it went well and you are healthy! You are a serious trooper. I have serious cringing just watching that picture. And I gag taking vitamins so I know for dern sure that I couldn't chug any salt water or take tablets with a billion ounces of water!

I am guessing a burrito after a cleansing is interesting...