18 December 2008

hunter in the house

Mommy and Daddy had a Christmas thing to attend sans-baby. Mommy actually had the nerve to consider hiring a babysitter for the evening!! Gin set Mommy straight and informed her that was the most ridiculous idea ever! So, Ginny and BJ have been playing with HDG all night all the while reassuring Ruby and Wrigley that they're just as loved. BJ is currently trying to rouse him from his snooze so his Mommy and Daddy can go home with the false sense of security that he'll sleep through the night. Hunter is getting annoyed with BJ.

5 remark(s):

Jan said...

Oh he's SO cute!! and chubby!

Yo, so is Bj the one showing him gang hand gestures? Seems like he's got that down pat. :)

Yay for an update!

Hayley said...

So sweet. Looks like you guys did a great job!

diddy said...

looks to me like ole Hunter might be thinking Hey! You with the camera! I got your "SAAAY CHEEEEESE" right here buddy! He is a pretty good looking little feller though...We'd be glad to keep him sometime too. T bone.

Robin Johnson RPh said...

I just want to squeeeeeze him.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am new to this blog thing so please excuse my ignorance.. Gin- thanks for setting me straight, we had a great time and were very thankful you took care of the little bugger (that is what Ginny really calls him) WE hope to visit down yander some time in the near future. Hugs and happy holidays. BTW - we love the lights on your house - you and bj did a great job of decorating/picture taking.